Dear Clients,
I am excited to share that Completely Fit 4 Life will open it's non profit 501c3, "CONNECT 4 A CURE" to bring HEALTH AND WELLNESS to the community of Auburn! We are partnering with some wonderful HEALTH AND WELLNESS practitioners in Auburn to bring education, fitness classes, massage therapy and a wealth of other opportunities for people who can not afford to attend these types of programs because their illness has emptied their pocket book, or they have limited funds. We HOPE to help people who are suffering from cancer and other life limiting diseases whose doctor bills are overwhelming, and gift them with WELLNESS programs to assist in their healing.
Each person will fill out a simple application to qualify for funding.
YOU can be a part of this NEW ADVENTURE! If you would like to donate to help someone be a part of this NEW HEALTH AND WELLNESS program, your donation will be a write off for you and a GIFT for someone else!
Your gift can bring Pilates classes, wellness classes, natural path medicine, vitamin supplementation, chiropractic care, Master Nutrition classes, and so much more!
Please let me know if you would like to be a part of this program, and how much you would like to donate. Your donation will come with a receipt for your 2017 taxes and will bless many!
Donation levels
$100.00 - The Mentor - one person benefits
$250.00 - The Star - two people benefit
$500.00 - The Champion - 5 people benefit
$1,000.00 - The HERO - 10 people will benefit
Each donation comes as a tax write off, and each level will GIVE a GIFT of HEALTH AND WELLNESS.
Completely Fit 4 Life will be donating time and marketing to this NEW COMMUNITY BUILDING adventure, we hope you will join us!
We love you as clients, and we hope you will JOIN US to help make our Community a place of HEALTH for everyone!
Connect 4 a Cure and mail to: 400 Miles Court Auburn CA 95603
Sincerely and To Your Health ALWAYS,
Linda Brown





DONATE $1,000